Free Movement Regimes Dataset

Indicators on entry, residence, rights, and security of residence

The Free Movement Regimes Dataset includes information on how each regime regulates entry, residence, rights, and security of residence. The Dataset is organized around a comprehensive typology that outlines, in a systematic way, 30 indicators related to each of these four categories, as well as three indicators that offer additional information on the regime, namely whether equal treatment applies in both directions, whether any quota is allowed, and whether there are any provisions offering a special treatment to those displaced due to climate or environmental factors.

The Free Movement Regimes Dataset covers information on international treaties in force on 1 January of the three years 1992 – 2024.

The online database allows two types of searches:

  • List all indicators in one regime: select the regime you are interested in.
  • Compare indicators across regimes: select the indicator you are interested in and compare across all or selected regimes for a particular year or all available years.