Argentina - Bolivia

Bilateral discontinued


Argentina and Bolivia signed a Migration Covenant in 1998, aware of the human rights treaties they had ratified and recognising their shared responsibility in organising migration flows. The covenant allowed free movement between the two countries and was followed by three Additional Protocols in 1999, 2000, and 2003 that modified certain regime aspects. In 2004, both countries adopted a new Migratory Agreement that aimed to incentivise the free movement of people, mentioning progress and development, among other factors. The treaty was later modified in 2009 through an Interpretative and Operative Agreement. However, the bilateral free movement regime between both countries was discontinued in 2016 when the Migratory Agreement was not renewed. Nonetheless, since 2009, both countries have been governed by the multilateral regime established by the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, Bolivia and Chile.




1998Signature of the first Migration Covenant between both countries on 16 February
1999Signature of an Additional Protocol on 16 December
2000Signature of an Additional Protocol on 6 November
2003Signature of an Additional Protocol on 12 December
2004Signature of a Migratory Agreement on 21 April
2006Entry into force of the Migratory Agreement on 17 October
2009Adoption of an Interpretative and Operative Agreement to the 2004 Migratory Agreement on 13 May
2009Entry into force of the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, Bolivia, Chile, to which both countries are parties, on 28 July
2016Extinction of the bilateral free movement regime between both countries


Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, Buenos Aires, 16 February 1998. It was ratified on 23 June 1999 [Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Bolivia].

Additional Protocol to the Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, Buenos Aires, 16 December 1999. It was not ratified. [Protocolo Adicional al Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Bolivia (del 16/02/98)].

Additional Protocol to the Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, La Paz, 6 November 2000. It entered into force on 2 August 2002 [Protocolo Adicional al Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Bolivia (del 16/02/98)]

Second Additional Protocol to the Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, Buenos Aires, 12 December 2003. [Segundo Protocolo Adicional al Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Bolivia]. 

Migratory Agreement between the Republic of Bolivia and the Republic of Argentina, Buenos Aires, 21 April 2004. It entered into force on 17 October 2006. It was extinguished on 17 October 2016 [Acuerdo Migratorio entre la República de Bolivia y la República Argentina].

Interpretative and Operative Agreement, La Paz, 13 May 2009 [Acuerdo interpretativo y operativo].