Argentina - Paraguay

Bilateral not ratified


In 1998, Argentina and Paraguay signed the first Migration Covenant with the aim of organizing migration flows and improving the living conditions of migrants. The Covenant established a free movement regime taking into account the human rights international instruments ratified by both countries. Another Migration Covenant was signed in 2001, but neither of them entered into force due to a lack of ratification. Eventually, both Covenants became irrelevant when the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement came into effect in July 2009.




1998Signature of the first Migration Covenant between both countries on 18 November
2001Signature of the second Migration Covenant between both countries on 5 September
2009Entry into force of the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, to which both countries are parties, on 28 July


Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Paraguay, Buenos Aires, 18 November 1998. It did not enter into force [Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Paraguay].

Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Paraguay, Buenos Aires, 5 September 2001. It did not enter into force [Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República de Paraguay].