Argentina - Peru
Bilateral in force
In 1998, Argentina and Peru considered the various human rights international instruments both countries had ratified and agreed on their shared responsibility to adopt measures organising migration flows due to the difficulties some migrants faced in accessing their rights. In line with this, they decided to adopt a Migration Covenant establishing a free movement regime. Later, they adopted two Additional Protocols in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and an Agreement by Exchange of Notes in 2004 that modified and interpreted certain aspects of the Covenant. In 2007, both countries decided to adopt an Agreement on Residence for Nationals of both countries, which took into account the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement. The Agreement aims to provide a solution to the migratory situation of certain nationals to more effectively provide for their inclusion in the host society. It has been in force since 10 December 2009. On 28 June 2011, Peru acceded to the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, Bolivia and Chile.
1998 | Signature of the first Migration Covenant between both countries on 12 August |
1999 | Entry into force of the Migration Covenant on 24 June |
1999 | Signature of an Additional Protocol on 21 December |
2002 | Signature of an Additional Protocol on 16 December 2002 |
2004 | Signature of an Agreement by Exchange of Notes on 11 June 2004 interpreting the Migration Covenant |
2007 | Signature of an Agreement on Residence for Nationals of the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru on 15 June |
2009 | Entry into force of the Agreement on Residence for Nationals on 10 December |
2011 | Peru acceded to the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, Bolivia and Chile on 28 June |
Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru, Lima, 12 August 1998. It entered into force on 24 June 1999. It was extinguished on 24 June 2009 [Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República del Perú].
Additional Protocol to the Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru, Buenos Aires, 21 December 1999 [Protocolo Adicional al Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República del Perú del 12 de agosto de 1998].
Additional Protocol to the Migration Covenant between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru, Buenos Aires, 16 December 2002. It entered into force on 11 June 2004. [Protocolo Adicional al Convenio de Migración entre la República Argentina y la República del Perú].
Agreement by Exchange of Notes between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru interpreting the Migration Covenant signed on 12 August 1998 and the Additional Protocol signed on 16 December 2002, Buenos Aires, 11 June 2004. It entered into force on the same date [Acuerdo por Canje de Notas entre el Gobierno de la República Argentina y el Gobierno de la República del Perú Interpretativo del Convenio de Migración suscripto el 12 de Agosto de 1998 y del Protocolo Adicional suscrito el 16 de Diciembre de 2002].
Agreement on Residence for Nationals of the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Peru, Buenos Aires, 15 June 2007. It entered into force on 10 December 2009 [Acuerdo sobre Residencia para Nacionales de la República Argentina y la República de Perú].