Argentina - Uruguay
Bilateral discontinued
In 2006, Argentina and Uruguay signed an Agreement by Exchange of Notes, which enabled the application of the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement between both countries. However, this agreement was terminated on 27 July 2009, a day before the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement came into effect, to which both countries are parties.
2006 | Signature and entry into force on 20 July of the Agreement on the bilateral application of the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement |
2009 | Entry into force of the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, to which both countries are parties, on 28 July. Conclusion of the bilateral free movement regime on 27 July. |
Agreement by Exchange of Notes between the Republic of Argentina and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay on the bilateral application of the MERCOSUR Agreement on Residence for Nationals of State Parties of 6 December 2002, Cordoba, 20 July 2006. In force since 20 July 2006 [Acuerdo por Canje de Notas entre la República Argentina y la República Oriental del Uruguay relativo a la aplicación bilateral del "Acuerdo sobre Residencia para Nacionales de los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR" del 6 de diciembre de 2002].