Cameroon - Mali

Bilateral not in force


Cameroon and Mali signed a General Convention on Establishment and Circulation of Persons (Convention générale d’établissement et de circulation des personnes) in 1964. According to its preamble, the primary reasons for its adoption were the friendly ties between the two countries, the commitment to achieving African unity, and the aim to provide their respective nationals with a privileged status in each other’s territory. The Convention offered nationals of each state party the freedom to enter, travel, and choose a domicile of their choice in the territory of the other state party (entrer librement sur le territoire de l'autre Etat, y voyager, y établir sa résidence dans le lieu de leur choix). It also offered the right to work as well as other rights. It has not been possible to confirm when the Convention was ratified by each country. However, the Convention was replaced by a new Agreement in 2015 (Accord relatif à la circulation des personnes et des biens) which restricted many of the previous provisions and ended the free movement regime between both nations and introduced a visa requirement.


  • MALI


1964Signature of the Establishment and Circulation of Persons Convention between both countries on 6 May
2015Adoption of a new Agreement regarding the circulation of people and goods which derogates and replaces the previous Convention (Art. 19). This treaty was ratified by Cameroon in 2015 and by Mali in 2016


General Convention on Establishment and Circulation of Persons between Mali and Cameroon, Bamako, 6 May 1964 [Convention générale d’établissement et de circulation des personnes entre le Mali et le Cameroun].

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cameroon and the Government of the Republic of Mali on circulation of persons and goods, Yaoundé, 8 September 2015 [Accord entre le Gouvernement de la République du Cameroun et le Gouvernement de la République du Mali relatif à la circulation des personnes et des biens].


ICMPD, IOM, A Survey on Migration Policies in West Africa, 2015.