Ecuador - Venezuela

Bilateral in force


In 2010, Ecuador and Venezuela agreed to sign a Migratory Statute that established a regime of free movement between both countries. This agreement was presented as a result of the principles and norms of the UN Migrant Workers Convention. It was also driven by the need to respect human rights, the right to free movement, the desire to facilitate regular migration, and eliminate irregular flows. Additionally, it aimed at promoting bilateral integration. The Statute came into force in 2011, once both countries had ratified it. Since 2017, Venezuela has been suspended from MERCOSUR, and it never ratified the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement, Bolivia, and Chile. Therefore, this is the only free movement regime that Venezuela is currently involved in.




2010Signature of a Migratory Statute on 6 July 2010
2011Entry into force of the Agreement on 17 March once both countries had ratified it


Migratory Statute between the Republic of Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Caracas, 6 July 2010. It entered into force on 17 March 2011, once both countries had ratified it [Estatuto Migratorio entre la República del Ecuador y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela].


Venezuela, Law approving the Statute, Venezuelan Official Gazzette, 13 October 2010, Number 39.529 [Ley Aprobatoria del Estatuto Migratorio entre la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la República del Ecuador].

Ecuador, Resolution National Assembly approving the Statute, Asamblea Nacional, Registro Oficial 400 (2011), 10 March 2011 [Resolución Apruébese el Estatuto Migratorio entre Ecuador y Venezuela].

Ecuador, Decree 679 Ratifiying all the articles of the Statute, Registro Oficial 406 (2011), 17 March 2011 [Decreto 679, Ratifíquese en todos sus artículos el Estatuto Migratorio entre la República del Ecuador y el Gobierno de Venezuela].