Libya - Tunisia
Bilateral (ratification status unknown)
Libya and Tunisia have a long history of bilateral treaties to facilitate migration between each other. In 1961, they adopted an Establishment Convention, which did not, however, constitute a free movement regime. Unlike other establishment Conventions negotiated during the same period between other Northern African countries, under the 1961 Treaty, the two states reciprocally undertook to facilitate circulation and residence while keeping all prerogatives to prohibit immigration or to adopt provisions regulating the admission of foreign labour. Later, in 1973, they signed a Convention on the right to ownership, work, the exercise of an occupation or trade, the establishment of a domicile, and movement (Convention relative au droit de propriété, au droit de travail, a l´exercice des professions et des métiers, au droit d´établissement et au droit de circuler). Following the Preamble of the Convention, the main reason for its adoption relates to the fraternal links between both countries. The 1973 Convention offers nationals of each state party the possibility to circulate and establish themselves in the territory of the other state party. It also enshrines the right to work as well as other rights. The Convention was ratified by Tunisia in 1974. We have not been able to confirm when it was ratified by Libya. To the best of our knowledge, it has not been denounced. The Arab Maghreb Union was established in 1989. It includes both Libya and Tunisia. According to Article 2 of its founding treaty, one of its aims is to work for the progressive realisation of the free movement of persons. However, no protocol or other legal instrument has been adopted.
1961 | Signature of the first Establishment Convention between both countries on 14 June |
1973 | Signature of the Convention on the right to ownership, work, the exercise of an occupation or trade, the establishment of a domicile, and movement on 6 June |
1974 | Tunisia ratifies the Convention on 18 March |
1989 | Signature of the Treaty of Marrakech establishing the Arab Maghreb Union on 17 February |
Convention on the right to ownership, work, the exercise of an occupation or trade, the establishment of a domicile, and movement, Tunis, 6 June 1973 [Convention relative au droit de propriété, au droit de travail, a l´exercice des professions et des métiers, au droit d´établissement et au droit de circuler entre la République Tunisienne et la République Arabe Libyenne].
Establishment Convention between the Tunisian Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya, Tripoli, 14 June 1961 [Convention d'établissement entre le Gouvernement de la République Tunisienne et le Gouvernement du Royaume Uni de Libye].
Tunisia, Law n°74-13, 18 March 1974, ratifying the 1973 Convention with the Arab Republic of Lybia, Tunisian Official Journal 19 March 1974, p. 579 [Loi n°74-13 du 18 mars 1974 portant ratification de la Convention relative au droit de propriété, au droit du travail, à l'exercice des professions et métiers, au droit d'établissement et au droit de circulation signée le 6 juin 1973, entre la République tunisienne et la République arabe libyenne, JORT. 1974, n° 21, du 19 mars 1974, p. 579].
Treaty instituting the Arab Maghreb Union, Marrakesh, 17 February 1989. Entry into force, 1 July 1989.
Emmanuel Alcaraz, “Les migrants libyens en Tunisie : un enjeu majeur des dynamiques migratoires dans l’espace maghrébin”, Revue internationale des études du développement, vol. 236, no. 4, 2018, pp. 9-31 at: