Niger - Tunisia

Bilateral in force


Niger and Tunisia signed an Establishment Convention (Convention d´établissement) in 1966. According to its preamble, the primary reasons for its adoption were the friendly ties between the two countries, the commitment to achieving African unity, and the aim to provide their respective nationals with a privileged status in each other’s territory. The Convention offers nationals of each state party the freedom to enter, travel, and choose a domicile of their choice in the territory of the other state party (entrer librement sur le territoire de l'autre Etat, y voyager, y élire domicile dans le lieu de leur choix). It also offers access to the labour market and other rights. The Convention was ratified by both Niger and Tunisia in 1967. To the best of our knowledge, the Convention has not been denounced in accordance with Article 16.




1966Signature of the Establishment Convention between both countries on 18 October
1967Niger ratifies the Convention on 11 February
1967Tunisia ratifies the Convention on 10 April


Establishment Convention between Niger and Tunisia, Tunis, 18 October 1966 [Convention d’Établissement entre entre le Gouvernement de la République Tunisienne et le Gouvernement de la République du Niger].


Tunisia, Law 67-14, 10 April 1967, ratifying the 1966 Establishment Convention with Niger, Tunisian Official Gazette, 14 April 1967 [Loi N° 67-14 du 10 avril 1967, portant ratification de la Convention d'établissement conclue entre la Tunisie et le Niger].

Niger, Law 67-06, 11 February 1967, authorizing the ratification of the Establishment Convention with Tunisia [Loi N°67-06 du 11-02-67 autorisant la ratification]. We have not been able to locate the text of this law but it is mentioned by Maiga (2011, p. 1).


Djibo Maiga, Analyse des conventions bilatérales entre le Niger et certains pays voisins ou amis en matière, série: CARIM AS 2011/30, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): Institut universitaire européen, 2011.

ICMPD, IOM, A Survey on Migration Policies in West Africa, 2015.